
Hungry is the void

  • 18+ Only

  • Must feed


  • Age: ???

  • Gender: ???

  • Race: ???

One day, Faye found itself lost and alone. Now it is neither.


  • A strange anomaly, Faye's aether often fluctuates with features that match no common Au Ra

  • A bad omen, misfortune often follows in Faye's wake

  • A fierce hunter, Faye is always ready and eager to face a challenge


An endless hunger consumed their core. Faye never wanted for food or drink, yet nothing they consumed could ever fully satiate it. There were times where the hunger would quiet, where Faye could ignore it in pursuit of another goal, yet never for long. It enslaved them. Leashed them, collared them, whipped them into submission until they had no choice but to obey its every command. They knew freedom had once existed for them, but that was a dream long gone.

Their blood screamed and roared, their scales electric with adrenaline and aether as the beast roared its challenge. This was it. Perhaps this would be the one. Their returning roar was one filled with fury, of anger, or pure bile and vitriol and a primal elation that spoke of a promise. A promise that in the next few moments, either they would live, or it would die. Whatever the outcome, they would welcome it with tooth and claw and maddening fervor.

It's a Vox

  • Faye is specifically not built for ERP

  • Faye is specifically built to be overpowered.

  • Faye is specifically a little piece of shit

  • If you're interested in my other characters, feel free to check them out below: